Kids & Screen Time Quiz

Jun. 28, 2018

illustration of child looking at tv reading quiz kids and screen time

Test your knowledge about how much time Tennessee kids spend with screens

Kids love screens. If you’ve ever pulled out your phone in front of a child, you know that.

But how much time are young kids really spending with handheld devices each day?

  • In 2011, it was 5 minutes.
  • By 2013, that had increased to 15.
  • In 2017, kids age 8 and under spent 48 minutes per day with a handheld screen — and that doesn’t include TVs or computers.

Minutes spent on handheld screens daily, kids 8 and under

Overall, kids age 8 and younger spend roughly 2.5 hours per day using screens, and that figure increases for kids 8-18.

Take the Quiz

How much do you know about kids and screen time? Take our quiz to find out.

Kids & Screen Time Quiz

Step 1 of 10

To view or download an infographic with information about kids and screen time, click here. To read the AAP screen time guidelines, click here.