Nearly 400,000 Tennesseans abuse or are dependent on alcohol or drugs.
Since 1999, overdose deaths have increased 220% in the state.
Addiction, or substance use disorder, is a medical condition. Like mental illness, it is a chronic brain disease, which means it is based on compulsion, not choice. And it is treatable.
Determining whether addiction is an issue in your life is the first step toward recovery.
Take the simple 4-question quiz below to gauge your risk, and click here to read more about addiction in Tennessee.
Addiction Quiz
Stories of Recovery
To explore stories of recovery, click here or click on the photos below.

Sheryl knew what an opioid addict was, and she wasn’t one — until she was.

Women’s bodies process medications differently than men. Experts at Nashville’s The Next Door explain.

As a practicing doctor in Johnson City, Dr. Stephen Loyd became addicted to prescription drugs. Today he’s 12 years sober.

After years of drug addiction, new mother Meghan found peace at the Susannah’s House recovery program.

Everyone has a wakeup call. For Cordell Leonard, it was being back in jail for the third time in five months.

In 2012, prescription opioid drugs surpassed alcohol as the most abused substance in Tennessee. Count It! Lock it! Drop it! is doing something about it.